Vimala College (Autonomous), Thrissur

Department of Social Work

Research Studies

Major Research Studies (latest)

  • Socio Economic Impact Study of Kalpathy and Lekshminarayana Agraharams in Palakkad (2019)
  • Participatory Rural Appraisal of Chathanpara Village in assocation with Aashrayam Rural Development Society (2019)
  • Participatory Rural Appraisal of Mathur Gramapanchayat in assocation with Aashrayam Rural Development Society (2017)
  • A study on the accessibility of Women to the Criminal Justice System in association with District Police Thrissur (2017)
  • Survey on Street Vendors in Thrissur Coporation in association with Thrissur Corporation (2016)

Minor Research Projects

Dr Jaya Cherian has conducted a study titled An Overview of Models of Work with communities in Non- governmental Organizations in Kerala funded by University Grants Commission ( 2007 -09)

Dr Asha P Rao has conducted a study titled A study on the myths and misconceptions on sex and sexuality among adolescent School Children in Thrissur corporation funded by University Grants Commission (2005 -07)

Dr Minimol K Jose has conducted a study titled Impact of Women Component Plan under decentralized planning in India funded by University Grants Commission (2004 -06)

Dr Minimol K Jose has conducted a study titled Elderly Women in Old age Homes: A Situation analysis funded by University Grants Commission (2008 -09)

Ms Treesa T Pulickal has conducted a study titled Impact of community disadvantage on the behavior of adolescents funded by University Grants Commission (2015 -17)


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Thrissur 09
Kerala, India

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We envision the total transformation of the young women for their enrichment and of the society at large and the nation as a whole.

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